Turkshead Alternatives, by Stuart E. Grainger, enlarged and revised third edition, self-published in 1993, ISBN 0-9515506-2-4.
This soft-cover A5 booklet of 31 pages by ex-Master Mariner, craftsman and IGKT member Stuart Grainger has a two-page introduction on turning a variety of mostly original chain plaits into grommets akin to Turks’ heads, for use as scarf rings, table napkin holders, etc., as well as for basket rims or starts (and breaks in) needle hitching; and for any object in need of such embellishment.
Some grommets may be flattened into unusual mats. Concise step-by-step written instructions are clearly illustrated with Stuart’s first-rate drawings. Best of all, however, is his method of making Star Knot grommets, inspired by Guild member Tom Solly’s article on the subject in KM#11 (April 1985).
By following the lead of a simple chain plait (A#2868) around a second time, single-strand circlets of any diameter are easily achieved. Discovered and first published by the author of The Harrison Book of Knots, Captain Paul Harrison’s tying method was tricky. Stuart’s is simpler. I bought the booklet for this alone.