Knotting Tools

International Guild of Knot Tyers


Knot Charts

A useful collection of 69 knot charts, showing how to tie each one.Knot Charts


THFormer screenshotTHFormer.exe

A Windows program that ties virtual Turk's Heads and Ball knots on a virtual Former.

Download THFormer.exe, doubleclick the icon to run, then pull down the Help menu and click on Aboutfor instructions on how to use the program. The program can be used to print out diagrams for a couple of stages of a knot which can then be used for reference when tying the actual knot.

THFormer (19.04 KB)


KnotMaker screenshotKnotMaker

A free tool for drawing knots.

Developed by Derek Smith and Dave Root.

Visit the KnotMaker site.


Turkshead Tying screenshotTurkshead Tying

A JavaScript application for creating turkshead knots in the Firefox web browser. Created by Tim Allwine & Son.

Online version
Offline version
Download the file (55K) and unzip it. Use Firefox to open the index.html file and you should be all set to go. You can also use this code to make up a page on your own web site.

Turkshead Tying (54.13 KB)

Forum discussion